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Use the map above to find a plot and row within the cemetery. Odd number plots are on the right side of the cemetery while even number plots are on the left. The two sides of the cemetery are divided by an aisle running up the middle to the top of the hill. The names listed on this map are the on the stones closest to the aisle within each row, so as you walk up the aisle, look for these names to your immediate left and right. This will allow you to quickly find the row you are looking for.



The map below shows the original documentation of the cemetery. We have uploaded it here to preserve the history of the cemetery and to illustrate the evolution of our documenation processes. When revising the cemetery map, we strived to preserve the existing plot system while also adding new rows and changing name indicators to clarify the map and allow for stones to be found more easily. We attempted to champion both historical preservation and clarity in the revised map above. 















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